How to repair concrete slab lifting in workshop?

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concrete slab lifting

In industrial production, the stability of workshop floor is crucial to normal production and operation. The floor far from the foundation support in the workshop gradually settles, showing a pot shape, seriously affecting the normal operation of the equipment, affecting the safety of employees and production efficiency. If the floor pan sedimentation is encountered, how to repair it?

1. Reason analysis ofconcrete slab liftingin workshop

There are many reasons for the sinking of the workshop floor, and the common ones are as follows:

1. The foundation is not strong: the construction of the plant is not carried out according to the specifications.

2. The use of poor quality materials: the concrete is doped with too much sand, stone slag and other doping impurities, resulting in insufficient strength, easy fragmentation, and eventually subsidence.

3. The use of heavy equipment: long-term use, the load exceeds the allowable value, the ground will be deformed.

4. Changes in groundwater level: Waterproofing measures are not in place, and groundwater penetration causes the ground to sink.

Through professional investigation and analysis, we can find out the root cause of the workshop floor pot settlement problem, and provide a basis for subsequent solutions.

Second, the floor pot settlement repair method

Safety is very important in solving the problem of floor pot settlement. We need to ensure the safety of our employees during the construction process and take necessary protective measures.

Floor subsidence repair: If the instability of the foundation causes the workshop floor to sink, you can consider the floor subsidence repair.

The commonly used restoration methods of floor subsidence include: replacement pad method, cement soil mixing method, dynamic compaction method, lime soil compaction pile method, soil compaction method, precompression method, high pressure jet (compaction) grouting method, sand and stone pile method, cement fly ash gravel pile method and lime pile method.

Tongcheng soft foundation non-excavation repair technology, the use of new materials, microhole injection, fast consolidation of soft foundation soil to form a new structure. In the process of filling and compaction, it can effectively strengthen various soil layers, control foundation deformation, and generate upward lift to achieve lifting effect.

There are many methods for the treatment of floor subsidence, and reasonable selection is very important, which not only affects the effect of foundation treatment, but also affects the size of project investment.

Improve drainage and drainage systems: If the subsidence is due to stagnant water or poor drainage, consider improving the drainage system, such as installing drainage pipes or adding outfalls.

Replace the floor filling material: If the ground subsidence is due to the problem of the floor material itself, such as insufficient concrete strength or epoxy floor aging damage, you can choose a suitable filling material, such as cement mortar or high-strength concrete, fill the sunken area flat, and carry out sufficient compaction.

Use of pile foundation and other support structures: If the ground subsidence is serious, you can consider the use of support structures, such as the use of pile foundation and other methods to enhance the bearing capacity of the foundation.

In addition, regular maintenance and inspection are also the key to preventing floor subsidence problems. Regular inspection of the condition of the floor, timely detection and treatment of any potential problems, can prevent further deterioration of the problem.

In the selection of the floor pot settlement restoration method, factors such as site engineering geology and hydrogeological conditions, building requirements for foundation, building structure type and foundation form, surrounding environmental conditions, material supply, construction conditions and construction period should be comprehensively considered, and the optimal selection should be made after comparative analysis of technical and economic indicators. So as to ensure the quality of the project, speed up the construction of the project, save investment.

concrete slab lifting
